Ravers in Italia have chosen street parades as a way to protest and express their discontent! FOTO: SMASH Repression, Robi Fog, Niccolò Bussolati, Santano Viperillo After the announcement of the new "anti-rave" law in Italy, which comes into force at the beginning of 2023, Italian partygoers in cities across the country on the Apennine peninsula have decided to express their dissatisfaction. The new article of law 633, which should enter into force early next year, prohibits gatherings in open areas, abandoned buildings and similar locations where illegal raves could be held. Also, people suspected of organizing illegal raves, the new law enables them to be wiretapped. Organized by several French and Italian music collectives, more than 50,000 ravers in Turin, Bologna, Naples, Rome, Palermo and Florence took part in street parades. One of the prominent figures of the "anti-rave" protest is Santano Viperillo from the Naples club "Duel", says: "It is im...
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