In the heart of Gemia Park, known as the “lungs of Pristina” , will be held the second edition of Sunny HIll Festival from 2 to 4 August 2019 , featuring American pop artist Miley Cyrus , Scottish Dj Calvin Harris , American-Albanian rapper Gashi as well as local artists from Kosovo. Miley Cyrus will perform at the opening of the festival on August 2 , and DJ Calvin Harris will close this festival on August 4. The founder of this festival is Dukadjin Lipe , the father of pop artist Dua Lipe from Kosovo, who performed at this event last year with Dutch DJ Martin Garrix (my favorite one, but I failed to sneak at his performance at first edition of Sunny hill fest :)) and US-Albanian artist Action Bronson . " Kosovo is always presented and linked to a problematic topic, such as war, corruption and other negativities. Our goal is to bring to the youth of Kosovo the world music trends and artists with this festival and to show the world that Kosov...
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