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Showing posts with the label balkan music

Ambassador Award 2023 - KUJU Studio from Kosovo for the "Best Art Production of the Year"

EXIT 2023: Focus on Mental Health and Ecology

EXIT Festival 2023 shines a light on vital issues, promoting mental health and ecological consciousness. With a mission to create a better world together, the festival organized multiple opening ceremonies focused on spreading messages of peace and love.  Throughout the event, festival-goers experienced designated phone-free zones, recycling initiatives, and inspiring messages highlighting mental well-being.  In a powerful move, EXIT Foundation launched the "Life Is Live" campaign, raising awareness about the importance of young people's mental health and addressing digital addiction.  The festival's eco-conscious e fforts included large-scale recycling campaigns, collecting three times more packaging than in previous years. Visitors participated in green activities, earning prizes for their responsible waste disposal. In addition to promoting peace and unity, EXIT bestowed every visitor with the title of "peaceful traveler."  Messages emphasizing mental