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Showing posts with the label hard house

A Night at Exit 2024: From the Perspective of a Clubber/Journalist

Written by: Saranda Vraniqi Exit , now world-renowned, held its 24th festival this year.   This article won't cover who performed or how many awards the festival has garnered so far. You can find all that on Exit's official website.  Instead, I'll try to paint a picture of one evening/night at the festival from my perspective —how the eyes, soul, and other senses of a long-time clubber (and journalist) experienced one of my favorite festivals. To better understand why you might consider my opinion on the festival, I'll share a bit about myself. I'm 45 years old and have been a clubber since I was two. It sounds surreal, but it's my truth . My love for music and dancing started on my dad's lap as he bounced me to the rhythm of the music. My dad, who deserves his own novel (which I won't write now), took me with him to discos and cafes like a little sidekick. By the age of four, people recognized me on the street as the "little girl from the disco....