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Showing posts with the label covid19

Genetic code covid19 has been transformed into ambient music and NFT

The genetic code of co19 has been turned into a set of  tracks  that are available for possession as NFT. Behind the project is Viromusic , who created ambient music, created using the "genetic sequence within the Coronavirus". “Using a technique called DNA Sonification, the melody in the songs is entirely derived from a viral sequence. Each note in the melody is part of the step-by-step instructions the virus uses to make multiple copies of itself. ”  They added compilation instruments such as cello and bass to finalize the sound. By the way, so far 10,000 songs have been made that use genetics in a wide range of music genres. The songs are available on the Rarible platform as NFT with a starting price of 0.07 Ethereum , which is somewhere around 249 euros. Owners are given details about their specific track including which part of the COVID genetic sequence corresponds to the code used in the song as well as, a description of what that gene is used for in the virus. A...

The Netherlands: Festivals and mass events will not be able to take place until the vaccine is invented

According to a Dutch portal, large festivals and mass events in that country will not be able to be organized until a vaccine against coronavirus is found.  This is the latest news that comes as a result of the development of a government strategy in the fight against this covid pandemic, and the Minister of Health Hugo de Jonge addressed the public.  "We cannot specify the date of the last phase of normalization of life and the beginning of the realization of major events at the national level. They can be held only when the vaccine is ready, and at this point no one knows how long it will take."  "Hopefully very soon, but a year or so . It is some realistic assumption."  Rotterdam is Rave.  Rotterdam is Techno.  The list of measures presented by the Dutch government says that mass events are banned until September 1 for now.   Professional football is planned to continue on that date but without an audience. [ source ]

Help senior citizens in the great “Super Neighborhood” action!

EXIT Foundation from Novi Sad, motivates young people to help their elderly fellow citizens during the state of emergency in the whole world. The Super Neighbor aims to support and acknowledge a number of examples where younger citizens have found various ways to help their older neighbors, which is why they deserve to join superheroes such as, above all, healthcare professionals, but also all other people who these days make their contribution to make society work. Thanks to a systematic and responsible approach to organizing volunteers, various forms of abuse are also prevented, and assistance is provided to citizens in all parts of Serbia, not just in urban areas. How can you help the most vulnerable people who have to stay at home due to the Covid-19 epidemic, you can find on by Viberate  is  a comprehensive list of festivals that have been officially canceled or postponed due to covid-19 according Read the full statement from Yourope the European Festival Organisation here: ❤️

300 People Are Trapped at a Music Festival in Panama Because of Covid19

Tribal Gathering festival, which was originally scheduled to take place from 29th February to the 15th March, has confirmed a number of festival go-ers must remain on site for an extended period of time.  Although the festival have confirmed that no cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed on site, nor are there any suspected cases, Panama’s Minister of Health of ordered that all nationals who have entered Panama in the last 14 days to remain in lockdown. "The government and health officials have now decided to go back to the original mandate of allowing all nationals who have entered Panama over 14 days ago to exit the location.  Those who have not must remain here in quarantine on site until they reach the 14 day period which could mean people actually staying here longer than the 23rd" , Tribal Gathering wrote. In the wake of the President of Panama declaring a national emergency due to COVID-19/novel coronavirus, Panama’s Minister of Health has taken the extraord...