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Showing posts with the label DJ headphones

Black purple Technics RPDJ1200 Headphones

Very good headphones . So far, we only used them to listen to some techno but not buying them.  Sounds really good with good pressure . The only downside is that the cable is not hooked to the spring, so if we forget that our headphones are around the neck, the mixer will be on the floor :D  Proper classics. First First released in 1996 , Technics has sold over half a million pairs of these legendary DJ headphones , available in a classy black and purple color scheme.      The Technic RP-DJ1200 headphones are very high-quality DJ headphones featuring folding swivel arms for monitoring; extended frequency response; robust build quality and a straight cable. It is also very practical, the headset can not only turn but also bowing to a little over 90 ° and remain stuck in this position voluntarily, they can also bend to take up less space.  This RP-DJ1200 is the headphone that gave the best sound so far for listening to mp3s with it for hours a...

New DJ headphones - DJ1200 by Technics

Technics has launched a new series of headphones specializing in DJ gadgets and production, the EAH-DJ1200. The previous RP-DJ1200 model , sold more than 500,000 units since 1996 when it came out - the new model should cater more to modern DJing. It has more advanced features, design and improved sound quality. With the classic way of listening to music, there is now the option of precise sound monitoring especially made for occasions where the volume is enhanced such as clubs, festivals and the like. In July 2019, Roland teamed up with V-MODA to launch their 808-inspired headphones. [source]