The film follows in the footsteps of classics like Trainspotting, Berlin Calling and Human Traffic. "Return To Planet Underground" is a film directed by Gideon Homes , which brings to the audience a fascinating story about the Dutch underground techno scene , providing an interesting drama filled with intense moments and powerful human tragedies. The director found inspiration for the film in classics such as Trainspotting, Berlin Calling and Human Traffic, and the story itself is based on true events and personal experiences. The film its about a former underground DJ who works as a lawyer before falling into ........ The main character suddenly faces the past, as well as the underworld and morally questionable decisions. The entire film is surrounded by techno rhythms that take viewers on a ride through the highs and lows of human desires, drug tirade, social expectations and the search for self and perfectionism. Online via Vimeo. [ izvor ]
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