The Albanian government has approved rapid Covid testing for Unum Festival 2021!!!! Located on the beaches of Shenghin on the Albanian Riviera, the festival have undergone “careful discussions” with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the Ministry of Health who have now approved the use of rapid Covid-19 testing for 2021. Albania is the first county in the world to approve of testing for social and cultural events. According to a press release, “The advancing technology and accuracy of rapid tests currently allows for results within 10-15 minutes, which is all that would be required to ensure you can enjoy the festival in the way it should be enjoyed . On top of that, vaccines will likely have arrived early next year so that plans for this small, perfectly formed festival are now well underway, all with the support and backing of the Albanian government.” The inaugural Unum Festiva l was held in 2019 , welcoming Ricardo Villalobos, Margaret Dygas, Sonj...
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