One of the key people behind this initiative is Patrick Doheney, a student of the second year of psychology. Giving students the opportunity to test what they intend to consume, and support in creating the sets was made possible by the organization "Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)". Dohoney notes that the goal is not to justify drug users but to reduce consumption-related disorders because "it is often diluted with other drugs like amphetamine or" bath salts "and we wanted to be sure that if they already use drugs to do it in the safest and most responsible way possible. "
The procedure is simple - about 30 sets are available for lending, all interested can send mail to and will get a place and location where they can get their test set, and leave their access card as a guarantee to return it.
The service is, of course, completely anonymous and does not share information about the student. Putting these sets at your disposal does not mean approval, meaning taking care of a person who will take drugs anyway regardless of legal clues, and this is a fact.
Prasad commented: "Our test whales do not make anyone take more drugs, they simply give them a sense of security and, hopefully, makes them safer."
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